You know how everyone tells you to “follow your goals” or “Do what you’re passionate about”? Well, what if you don’t know what you’re passionate about? Some people are lucky and realize their passion early.
Things that I enjoy versus things that bring me joy. These are two different things. You might think gosh, I have never thought of it like that. And you’re not even sure you agree with me. Yes, I would posit that these two things are in fact different, and the difference matters.
Somebody must be the one to win the race, star in the show, solve the big problem. So, what is it that keeps us from thinking it can’t be me, or us? Is it a confidence thing?
When you go off to do whatever it is you’re going to do, you leave home for school, for work, for love, do you think about what this means for you, how it might change you?