I Am… Not a Casualty

I am not a product of what has happened to me, but rather what I have made happen.

Often these thing are out of our control and happen without warning.  You can choose how to respond.  You can choose to be a victim, or you can choose to rise above and to not give-up and accept your fate response.

You can take the opportunity to respond in a strong and positive way.  Trust me, it is YOUR choice.  Things are going to happen to YOU.  Things are going to go wrong.  So when it does, maybe you need to take a walk, talk with a friend, go out to your favorite restaurant.

Whatever it is that will help you to move on, do it.  It is ok to feel like you were blindsided or like you took a punch to the stomach.  What you can’t do is spend too much time in that negative space.

If you have a tendency to spend too much time in “that” place, that negative mindset, recognize that about yourself and get up and get on with turning the corner.  A Psychology Professor once told me that there is a behavior type that goes in search of distressing or depressing situations.  Reason Why:  Because that is where they feel most comfortable.

I don’t need to tell you the problems with this behavior, not the least of which is what it does to your health and wellbeing.