I Am Ready!

Why Not Me? Why Not My Team?

Somebody must be the one to win the race, star in the show, solve the big problem. So, what is it that keeps us from thinking it can’t be me, or us? Is it a confidence thing?

Is it a lack of success in previous attempts? When do we stand up and say, this is my time to win? When will it be my time to separate myself from the pack? How about now? Why not? What will it really take to step up and take control?

The coach had it right when he said, “strive to improve at one thing this season”. It could be strength, split time on the erg, speed on the water, etc. If you can pick just one thing and be better at it, so much positivity and growth can come from that.

Not only will you be helping your team, but the confidence you gain from your efforts will drive you to do more and give you the confidence that you CAN do it.

What makes us different from those we are competing against? Our competition is made up of similar athletic individuals. Keyword “Individuals”. Strong, fast, smart, competitive. Turns out there is a way to be different, better.

We can separate ourselves from the pack by coming together in one extraordinarily valuable way, to truly care about each other’s success and growth. That means contributing your part to the greater good.

Invest in yourself which means also investing in the whole. We must believe, heart and soul, it is our time to win. Afterall, somebody, some team, must win, get that gold, cross the line first. It should be you, me, us.

Let’s go get it!