I am Positive

It is my general disposition to be positive. How about you?

If you’re not sure, look at whom you surround yourself with. Are they positive people or negative people? You will know. Misery loves company. If you project misery, it will find you. Our Psychologist neighbor once told me that there are people that actually prefer to be unhappy. They seek out situations where they can be unhappy. If you are down, they will find an opportunity to add to your sorrow. Trust me. When you surround yourself with positive people, those that will support and even motivate you, your day will be made brighter. The significance of a moment, be it positive or negative, will be amplified, for better or for worse. Things will go wrong, I guarantee it. Surround yourself with positive people, and whatever that negative thing is, it will be made less significant. I’m not sure if we’re born this way or we become this way, but it matters who you are today.

Misery loves company. If you project misery, it will find you.