I Am… About Joy

Things that I enjoy versus things that bring me joy. These are two different things.
You might think gosh, I have never thought of it like that. And you’re not even sure you agree with me. Yes, I would posit that these two things are in fact different, and the difference matters.
I’ll present it to you like this: Let’s say you don’t necessarily enjoy posting images or stories to social media. But what brings you joy is the positive feedback, responses and reviews your posts receive. Do you see the difference? Do you ever think carefully about what really motivates you to do what you do? In this social media example, what drives you to do it?
Here is a another, more obvious scenario: You don’t particularly enjoy the responsibilities that come with caring for the elderly. But the joy you feel when that elderly person looks you in the eye and says thank you, and clearly and genuinely appreciates your kindness, is the reason; it’s why you do it. You might agree that one of these “joys” is more valuable than the other.
If so, which is it? I will make the declaration that the joy you receive from an activity is more valuable than the joy in doing that activity. This comparison will make you think. I insist to you that the real magic will come to you when you clearly recognize the difference between the two.
You can survive not knowing the difference. But you will thrive if you do. Your time to choose a career, or a direction to pursue, will be here soon, if it hasn’t arrived already. If you understand this concept well, you will improve your likelihood for success.